Monday, January 30, 2012

Killer Biceps, Back & Ab's Workout

Killer Biceps, Back and Ab's Workout 


Today I performed a killer bicep, back  abs workout.  It was a very energetic,strenuous workout.  This workout is similar in length to my chest/shoulders/triceps/ab's workout, in which I try to complete it within 40 minutes to 1 hour.  I generally perform 2-3 exercises per body part.  I focus on mid level/high reps with lower weights.  This type of weight lifting leads to a very lean, athletic body type and really fatigues the muscles. Research shows that the more lean muscles a person builds, the more efficient the body becomes at burning fat (Kravitz, 2007).

Mike "Camo" Lee - Arm/Back/Ab's Post Workout

Here is my Biceps, Back & Ab's Workout, with links to videos of how to perform the exercise.  I try to keep things simple, fast and challenging:

Exercise                                  Set, Reps, Weight (lbs)

Dumbbell Curls                              4, 10,  40
Hammer Curls                                4,  8,   25
Incline Dumbbell Curls                    4, 10,  22.5      

Lat Pull-down (Machine)               4, 9, 145
Standing Dumbbell Row                         4, 10, 50

Decline Reverse Crunch          3,    15/12/10
Mountain Climbers                  3,     10/10/10
Situps                                     3,     10/10/10

I always work my arms first, then my back, abs.  You can mix it up a bit and perform abs first.  I try to perform ab's first because I use my arms a lot during my ab workout and I don't want to fatigue my biceps to much before lifting. I usually rest a day after doing biceps, then follow this workout with my chest/shoulders/triceps/ab's workout.  I perform this workout twice a week. Try it out and let me know how challenging it was for you. 

Until then, rush to a fitter YOU!

-Mike "Camo" Lee
Mountain Rush Fitness

Kravitz, Len. "Fat facts: quit debating! To burn more fat, work harder or longer--or both." IDEA Fitness Journal Sept. 2007: 23+. InfoTrac Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection. Web. 27 Jan. 2012.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Abs - Volume Day!


Today I worked out my shoulders, chest, triceps and abs.  It was a very intense workout because I had to do many reps/sets within 1 hour, hence the name "Volume Day".  On volume day's, I focus on using higher rep's (the number of times I left a weight within a set) with lighter weights that I usually use.  This type of weight lifting leads to a very lean, cut look and really fatigues the muscles.  This type of workout is in contrast to "Heavy Day's" (lifting heavier weights for a lower amount of reps).

Post volume-day pic

Here is my volume-day workout, with links to videos of how to perform the exercise.  I try to keep things simple, fast and challenging.:

Exercise                                  Set, Reps, Weight (lbs)

Flat Dumbbell Flys                    4,     15,     50
Incline Dumbbell Flys                4,     12,     50
Decline Dumbbell Flys               4,     10,     50       

Seated Machine Press                     4,    12,     140
Standing Dumbbell Front Raise        4,    8,        20
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise        4,    8,        20

Bench Dips                                4,    17,        Body-weight

Jack Knife Sit-up                    3,    15
Mountain Climbers                  3,     10
Cross Mountain Climbers        3,     8

I work through these exercise very quickly because I workout on my lunchbreak.  I rest anywhere between 30-60 seconds per set.  I love this workout because it challenges me both physically and mentally.  I am usually in the gym alone when I workout, which helps provide great focus.  I have my high-energy music playing, which helps me to stay motivated and pull through those last reps.  I usually perform this workout 2 times per week, on non-consecutive days. 

My next article will be about Arms & Back - Volume Day.  

Until then, rush to a fitter YOU!


-Mike "Camo" Lee
Mountain Rush Fitness

Friday, January 20, 2012

The 300 Push-up/Sit-up Challenge!

Although these exercises probably date back to the beginning of man's existence, Push-ups and Sit-ups are still considered very effective exercises by nearly all fitness standards.

When I was in the Army, Push-ups and Sit-ups were a part of my daily fitness routine.  Push-ups and Sit-ups sometimes get a bad wrap these days, being seen as "old fashion". Using a variety of exercises will keep the body guessing, reducing the chances of your body plateauing and getting used to a certain exercise. It's great to mix in Push-ups and Sit-ups in your workout plan. Let's examine the effectiveness both Push-ups and Sit-ups a bit more.

My good 'ole days in the Army

There are very little exercises that can replace the simplicity and effectiveness of a push-up.  Performing  this exercise works the chest, shoulders and arms.  In addition to weight lighting, I try to incorporate a push-up based exercise session once a week in my workout plan. There are many different variations of push-ups (close-hand, wide-grip, incline).  Research has shown that the most effective push-ups are push-ups performed with your hands as close as possible (Cogley, 2005).

Sit-ups, performed correctly, can be an effective ab exercise. Sit-ups, along with other ab exercises, help the body to maintain posture aid in breathing process, protect organs in the ab area and much more. In a 2008 study, full sit-ups were shown to be as effective as (and gentler on the neck) than partial sit-ups using a stability ball (Chong, 2008). Sit-ups, along with other ab exercises, is a great way to strengthen ones core.

The 300 Push-up/Sit-up Challenge
With that said, are you ready for the 300 Push-up/Sit-up Challenge?

I call this the 300 Challenge because you will perform 300 push-ups, 300 hundred sit-ups in 30 minutes or less.

Goal: Perform 300 Push-ups and 300 Sit-ups  (or as many as you can) in less than 30 minutes

What you need: Clock or Watch (Use the stopwatch feature on your phone**), a exercise mat or soft carpet, pen/paper. Optional - 30 lbs Dumbbells, Edge of a Couch, Treadmill, or the edge of a Heavy Bench, a bottle of water, a towel, and chewing gum - to keep your throat from being dry. 

Setting up the Challenge:  This challenge can be performed at home or at the gym.  To stabilize your feet for the sit-ups, you have several options.  You can use two 30 lbs dumbbells to hold your feet.  Just slide your feet under the handles at the edge of the mat.

You can use a the edge of a treadmill to stabilize your feet.  Or, if you have enough room and if the sofa is heavy enough, you can use the edge of your sofa. You can also use the end of a workout bench.

There are many different approaches to taking the challenge  You can start by alternating between doing 10 push-ups, then performing 10 sit-ups.  I prefer to alternate between 20 push-ups, then 20 sit-ups.  Whatever method you decide, write it out on paper and bring it with you to the challenge session, along with something to write with.

Performing the Challenge:

Step 1: Start the clock

Step 2: Perform your first round of push-ups and sit-ups

Step 3: Immediately after that round, cross it that row on your paper (This will also give you a few seconds of recovery between the rounds).

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 the until the 30 minutes are up, you can't perform anymore, or you complete all 300 push-ups and sit-ups.

Comment on how far you got, what problems you ran into or your approach/modifications to the challenge.

If performed correctly, you can burn anywhere from 200-400 calorie during this session.

Here is a quick video tutorial that demonstrates how to correctly perform a push-up.

Here is a quick video tutorial that demonstrates how to correctly perform a sit-up.

**(Tip) - If you use a IPhone or IPod as your stopwatch, disable the auto-lock feature so that the phone will display the clock the entire time of the challenge session.


-Mike "Camo" Lee

Chong, Raymond, Shelly Barber, Laurie Howell Martin, Kimberly Steele and Rebecca White. "Abdominal exercise intensities on firm and complaint surfaces.(Author abstract)(Report)."  Perceptual and Motor Skills 106.3  (June 2008):  917(10).  Nursing Resource Center.

Cogley, R. M., Archambault, T. A., Fibeger, J. F., & Koverman, M. M. (2005). Comparison of muscle activation using various hand positions during the push-up exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 19(3), 628-33.

Disclaimer - Use caution when engaging in any strenuous exercise. Live to fight another day.  Always follow the advice of your physician before starting any new workout program.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hello World!

Hello.  My name is Mike "Camo" Lee and this is the official fitness blog for Mountain Rush Fitness.  Coming soon, on this blog, you will find the latest health and fitness information, which will help you reach your health and fitness goals. We will publish original fitness tip articles as well as links to other helpful news and information.  We will also have workout videos, tutorials, fat loss strategies, ebooks, and much more.

So, who am I, you may ask?

I am a Army Veteran who is extremely passionate about health and fitness.  In August 2010, I decided to radically change my health and fitness.  I went from a pudgy 232 lbs to a lean and mean 185 lbs.  That was a fat loss of 47 lbs!  I added a few pounds of muscle and landed at 192 lbs. It took me from August 2010 to June 2011 to achieve this goal.

So, how did I lose 47 lbs of fat?

I lost the fat mainly through running, weight lifting and a fundamental sound meal plan.  On this blog, I am going to step you through exactly how you can do it too.  It was by no means easy.  There was a lot of sacrifice that had to be made in order for me to achieve that goal.  But, I can definitely say that all the hard work paid off.  I am happier and healthier than ever.

My Body Transformation story has been featured on the hugely popular fitness website  My story is currently the most commented Body Transformation story on their website. There have been a large number of people that have reached out to me letting me know that my fat loss methods have helped them become fit.

Check out Michael Lee's Body Muscle and Strength Body Transformation story here.

I hope it touches and motivates you as it has for many others. More tips, information and post coming soon...


-Mike "Camo" Lee
Mountain Rush Fitness